"Divine Intervention: From Addiction's Grip to Redemption - God's Miraculous Work on Difficult Roads"

Published on 26 May 2023 at 15:51

The path we have traveled to reach this point today has been filled with challenges, but it has also been undeniably miraculous. Only God himself could have orchestrated the events that saved Ricky's life and restored our marriage. Throughout our difficult journey, we both made mistakes. I used to rationalize Ricky's actions, blaming them on his drug addiction and believing that he wouldn't hurt me if he were sober. However, during his last relapse, I could no longer justify the deep wounds caused by his choices. That experience played a significant role in my complete surrender to God.


The heartache and pain I carried then was indescribable. If you had asked me back then if I could ever forgive and move forward as I had done many times before, my answer would have been a resounding no. If you had asked me if we would be where we are now, with our relationship restored and stronger than ever, I would have given the same firm no. It always felt like Ricky and I were facing the world together—a world that never fully approved of our relationship but eventually learned to accept it. From the day we married, that world doubted our ability to make it, and everything seemed to indicate that we should turn away from each other and run as far and as fast as possible.


But I simply could not give up. I fought with every ounce of my being for a long time. However, when the darkness completely consumed me, I knew something had to change. I realized that I could not carry the burden of pain and hurt any longer, nor could I watch the man I deeply loved slowly kill himself. It was in that moment that I witnessed God's mysterious ways at work.


 Although I did not grow up regularly attending church, I possessed a small seed of faith instilled in me by my dear Maw and my fiercely praying Mom. I had prayed fervently for so long, believing that would be enough for our journey through Ricky's addiction. It was only when I began to nurture my relationship with Christ through His word and surrendered myself completely to Him that I witnessed God's miraculous intervention.


As I reflect on the magnitude of God's presence in our lives, my heart overflows with joy and gratitude. It is as if a radiant light fills every corner of my being, bringing forth a deep sense of peace and contentment. I pray fervently that this divine light will continue to shine brightly within me, guiding my actions, and inspiring those around me.


In the face of adversity, we discovered the power of faith, forgiveness, and unwavering trust in God. It is through this transformative journey that we have experienced the true miracles that can unfold when we surrender ourselves to His divine plan. Today, I stand as a living testament to His love, His mercy, and His unwavering faithfulness.


May the story of our journey serve as an inspiration to others, reminding them that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. With God by our side, we can overcome the most formidable obstacles and emerge stronger, wiser, and filled with an unshakable faith. Let us walk forward, hand in hand with the One who made all things possible, our hearts filled, our souls at peace, and the eternal light of His presence shining through us.


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Michelle Greene
a year ago

Made you Momma cry ! I love you baby and so proud you have found your voice ‘